How to Choose the Right Consultant for Your Digital Transformation

The world has changed pretty dramatically in a few months. And while your organization may or may not be weighing a return to a physical office, it’s clear there are going to be some lasting changes to the ways we work. 

While digital transformation was already a hot topic, it’s gained even more momentum with our reliance on technology to keep us virtually connected. 

Organizations that approach digital transformation as an ongoing process rather than an end goal will be positioned well for business in a post-COVID world.

A great Salesforce consultant can be a power player in these times of upheaval — they’ll have the technical chops to make necessary system changes that offer immediate value to your team. They’ll also be able to develop a strategic roadmap for marrying your business processes with your CRM — technology that has become undeniably more important with everything virtual. 

So how do you narrow down the options for Salesforce consultants?

When hiring a consultant, it can be tempting to be a little hands-off. After all, they bring the technical expertise and project management skills to get the project over the finish line. That said, a consultant worth their salt will want to coordinate regularly to discuss progress, next steps, timelines, and answer all of the questions that arise during the relationship.

They’ll want your active input and feedback about the solutions they’re designing to make sure they fit your needs and process. While the heavy-lift can certainly be taken off your plate, plan to spend at least a couple of hours per week communicating with your consultant to keep everything on track.

If your consultant doesn’t request regular touchpoints, consider that a red flag. 

In addition to seeking your involvement where and when it’s most impactful, a great consultant will:

  • Have the right Salesforce experience that matches your needs.

  • Clearly communicate about the work, what you can expect from them, and where you are in your timeline. 

  • Provide informed recommendations, ask why to get to the root issue, and not be a “yes” person. 

  • Help you become more self-sufficient and leave your system in a state that works without them managing it.


You’ll want to have a clear set of expectations for a consultant before you can judge what this means. 

Do you want a consultant to be your admin until you find another? Do you need to implement CPQ or other specialized Salesforce functionality? Are you weighing how Pardot could help your Marketing team nurture leads and drive engagement? 

Make a list of what experience would move the needle for your team, determine a budget, and then start your conversations with potential consultants who fit those needs.


The best consultants are transparent about how they work, don’t settle for anything less. They’ll be able to clearly communicate what’s possible based on your timeline and budget, how they’ll work with you and your team, and what you can expect of the relationship. 

They’ll answer your questions as quickly as they can and provide guidance for your decision making. They should either express their enthusiasm to work with you or let you know if another solution would better fit your needs. Either way, they should be clear in their communication with you and level set from the outset. 


You may have some ideas about how to solve a particular problem, and your consultant has probably solved a problem like it. Similar to clear communication, a good consultant should also let you know if a solution doesn’t fit your requirements or isn’t a good fit for your team. 

They’ll want to provide value long term, so their focus should be on the root issue and solving for that. You can anticipate hearing a lot of questions that start with “why?” as a result. 

For instance: 

  • Why do you want this kind of solution? 

  • Why does the process look like that? 

  • Why is this painful for your team? 

  • Why is this a high priority for your organization right now? 

Expect a great consultant to dig deeper into what you’re trying to solve. A good consultant’s primary focus is the why — the how will follow suit.


At the end of the engagement, your major business goals should be met and your Salesforce instance should be running smoothly. But who’s going to keep the engine running? And will you be set up to manage your Salesforce org without their help? 

If it’s the right time to get your own admin, consider having the consultant help interview and assess candidates. You’ll want to decide on the cultural fit yourself, but your consultant is a great resource for determining the skills you’ll need based on the complexities of your Salesforce org. 

Managed services can also be a great option if you aren’t wanting to invest in the process of hiring and nurturing an FTE or have other restrictions on hiring.

Whatever the future holds for your organization, your consultant should have you positioned to meet it head-on. 

Ready to Dig In?

So are we! Wherever you are in the digital transformation process, we’re happy to be a sounding board for your thoughts and ideas. Give us a call at 919-578-7711 or send us an email to get the ball rolling, no strings attached.